"The category is..." Ballroom 101 with the Kiki House of Dive - WARDA 20220912
Events Wien: „The category is…“ Ballroom 101 with the Kiki House of Dive

12. September 2022

  • Beginn:17:00

"The category is..." Ballroom 101 with the Kiki House of Dive

Wild im West

Apollogasse 19, 1070 Wien


„The category is…“
Ballroom 101 with the Kiki House of Dive
Performance, Runway, Cuntiness and Beauty – the dives bring you a workshop with a little introduction to various artforms from New Yorks ballroom culture. Originating as celebrations and competitions of latina and Black trans women sex workers, ballroom has become a space for queer and bipoc folks to express themselves against all odds through dance, fashion, beauty, and charisma!

Ride with us!

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