F E E D B A C K * X . K I N G * F I S H (Michael Fischer, Peter Koger, Lukas König) - WARDA 20210623
Events Wien: F E E D B A C K * X . K I N G * F I S H (Michael Fischer, Peter Koger, Lukas König)

23. Juni 2021

  • Beginn:19:30

Konzert Array

F E E D B A C K * X . K I N G * F I S H (Michael Fischer, Peter Koger, Lukas König)

Fluc + Fluc Wanne

Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien


Michael Fischer: amplified tenor and feedback-saxophone
Lukas König: drums, electronic devices
Peter Koger: analog video feedback projection
Based on simple, analog non-effect feedback setups, Michael Fischer and Peter Koger operate in multiple feedback circles; KINGFISH is Michael’s duo with Lukas König on drums. So FEEDBACK X and KING* FISH joining forces this time, will open up an additional space to share a universal principal of life: the feedback in its various modes of musical, luminiscent, spiritual, physical, mental and interpersonal reference and action.
In 1999, Michael Fischer began to involve the phenomenon of the feedback into his instrumental work and developed an exclusively analog, non-effect-based instrument: the feedback-saxophone interacts through micro- and macro-movements of the instrument / body, through vocal intervention, shaping the sound of the space in dialogue with it. The risk of moving within these extremely unstable, almost unpredictable action-spaces demands and reins as motors of analysis and reaction speed as well as movement control. Visual art scene pioneer Peter Koger uses a basic surveillance camera and a monitor to create multidirectional visual feedback textures that interact with the tonal structures or drift off into nowhere space……
FEEDBACK*X performed at: Moozak Festival, Interpenetration Music Series Graz,
Sonic Territories Festival, JWSTW Festival, Künstlerhaus Vienna, Notgalerie Wien, a.o.
LUKAS KÖNIG lebt und arbeitet als Schlagzeuger,Komponist und Produzent in Wien.
Spielt(e) mit Leuten wie Reggie Washington, Shahzad Ismaily, Audrey Chen, Julien Desprez, Elliott Sharp, Briggan Krauss, Franz Hautzinger, Steven Bernstein u.v.m. und arbeitet(e) mit Ensembles wie Kompost3, Mopcut, PLF, Synesthetic Octet, Koenig Riegler, Malcolm Braff Trio, Klangforum Wien, Bilderbuch, Jazzwerkstatt Wien, 5KHD, Koenigleopold u.v.m.
Seine Solo-Veröffentlichungen „KŒNIG“ (2015 Laub Records), „Best of 28“ (2017, Laub Records) und „Messing“ (2020 Ventil Records) spannen einen weiten Bogen von Hiphop zu Noise und experimenteller Musik
PETER KOGER works as a video artist, visualist, programmer, interaction and animation designer as well as a universal media craftsman in numerous art projects, mainly in the field of video and perfomative art. Teaching activities: 1994 Creation and concept of multimedia producer training at Sae Technology College, since 1999 lecturer at the University of Applied Arts, Institute of Visual and Media Arts. Founding member of various initiatives to promote the art of visualists.
MICHAEL FISCHER works on the speech immanence of sounds, their sculptural and dramatic evidence, in contemporary improvised and experimental music/noise/soundscapes on tenor saxophone, violin and conducted instant compositions. In 1999, he began to integrate the electroacoustic phenomenon feedback into his instrumental work and developed a unique technique and an exclusively analog, non-effect-based instrument the feedback-saxophone: micro- and macro-movements of the instrument / body, creating the texture within an dialog of the sonic reflections of the space. Further development of this instrument at ZKM / Karlsruhe followed by a presentation at the ZKM ‚Globale‘-Festival. He has worked with outstanding artists and early key-figures in improvised music, as well as significant artists in experimental poetry, conceptual art, visual poetry and dance/performance.

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